
It's interesting to see that many of the images I make have a graphic novel sensibility. I could probably develop multi-panel "comic" formats (maybe even using the "recovery calendar" format). What's the story there? Super-heroines/outlaws with animal sidekicks in our midst? Nothing has to make sense, as life generally doesn't.

A "stencil" quality is also present in many of my art pieces. I am a big fan of the street artist Swoon; she even wheat-pastes complicated cutouts onto walls and works on a big scale.

Philadelphia Heroine

The inspiration for this study was Danielle Outlaw, the commissioner of police in Philadelphia, who became the heroine in these sketches.


This was hand drawn and manipulated digitally. The inspiration was Mamoudou Gassama, who in France, climbed 4 stories to save a baby falling off a balcony.

International heros

Again drawn and manipulated digitally. The inspiration is a friend who caught covid outside the US and was stuck in a foregin country.